
Posts Tagged ‘detox’

Cleansing Update

I survived my three-day juice cleansing program!

Being an ardent food lover, it was very difficult to take in nothing but six bottles of detoxifying drinks a day.  Despite having only liquids, I was never hungry.  However, the most difficult part of it all was fighting the urge to chew on something.

I know I take a lot of things for granted.  But, chewing?  I never realized that it was such an integral part of everyday life.  I was so relieved when the juice company allowed me to munch on cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips and the like – in moderate amounts.

Now, the next step is to introduce solid foods to my body gradually, otherwise I will shock my system.

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To kick off my goal to lose some excess poundage, I decided to do a detox diet. After months of living a sedentary lifestyle and days of consuming rich holiday meals, I think I’ve accumulated too much toxins of all sorts.  To give my body a break and to flush out all that junk, I signed up for a 3-day juice cleansing program.

For three days, I will take in six bottles of detoxifying drinks (at specified times during the day). This also means three days of no solid food and any other drinks (except water).

Now that’s a tough one – but I’m determined to do this.

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